Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

We offer psychotherapy and psychiatric services with a specialty in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) to treat depression that has not improved with prior treatment (Treatment Resistant Depression), Suicidal Ideation, Bipolar Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety and Panic Disorder, Anxiety related to life threatening illness or chronic illness, and other serious psychological conditions. We use low-dose and high-dose sublingual (under the tongue) ketamine lozenges as well as intramuscular injections.

When used under proper supervision, ketamine can provide near-immediate relief from emotional pain, while helping individuals look deeply into themselves. With the support of trained and licensed professionals, these treatment experiences may offer different and expanded perspectives of self that help people move through chronic psychological suffering, even if other methods have not worked. Many people have some improvement after one or two treatments, and the strongest benefit often manifests over time with repeated sessions. Our treatment has the potential to be life saving and to bring relief to individuals who have not responded to conventional methods.

We find that ketamine’s healing potential is most effective when combined with psychotherapy from a trained provider. KAP can be a powerful tool to examine the unconscious processes that keep one stuck in negative and obsessive patterns. Profound shifts in your state of consciousness have the potential to lift your mood and offer new insights into your life, deepening your relationship with your true Self and providing opportunities to explore. The process can serve as a catalyst of greater psychological, emotional and spiritual growth.

KAP is not a standalone treatment, and is most effective as part of a comprehensive health and wellness plan. There is a mandatory and necessary assessment phase before determining if KAP is an appropriate treatment for you. We also need to rule out any medical/physical/psychiatric health conditions that may prevent treatment. This is done during our medical and psychological intake process. These evaluations are interviews that will assess if there are any physical or mental health issues that might prevent KAP from being effective. We value your time and money and will not suggest KAP if we don’t feel you would benefit from it.

Our board-certified psychiatrist and physician work in partnership with licensed therapists to offer the necessary medical and psychological monitoring/screening assessments, along with directive and non-directive methods of therapy. Our therapists are influenced by a variety of traditions such as mindfulness and meditation practices, psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), depth-oriented and transpersonal psychology, psychedelic therapies, addictions, and trauma-informed care. Our providers have been trained in specific Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) techniques, and are also undergoing training for future psychedelic assisted therapies such as MDMA for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder through MAPS.

More Details on Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) and other Ketamine Treatments

In order to have the most benefit, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) and Ketamine Treatments may require several treatment sessions over time. We will work with you to find the best treatment protocol to address your specific needs and carefully follow your rate of response. If treatment continues beyond an initial period we will make recommendations to sustain and amplify your level of response. This may include dietary changes, supplements and alternative treatments, medications, lifestyle modifications and referrals to other types of healing work such as body/somatic therapy, movement, dance, art, etc.

If you are already engaged in psychotherapy on a regular basis, we will coordinate treatment sessions and integration with your provider to maximize the therapeutic benefits.

Each in-office KAP treatment session takes around 2-3 hrs. Administration may be under the tongue using sublingual lozenges (SL) or may be through intramuscular injections (IM). This would be discussed thoroughly with you before starting treatment. If you need a longer recovery period beyond the allotted appointment window, you will be offered a separate room in the clinic at no extra cost. After an initial index or induction treatment protocol with Ketamine, follow up or maintenance treatment sessions may be needed. These can be in the range of every two to six weeks or even longer (months) depending on the individual and rate of response.